Sunday, February 2, 2025

Mystery V.S. Teen Drama. Who will win?!

 Hello Readers!
Currently, I am researching genres that I could use in my film opening. Picking the genre is a good starting point since it's specific enough to allow me to start working yet broad enough to allow me to make future decisions. There are many genres to choose from, but I chose two genres that I would be interested in exploring for my film opening. I am always open to other options, but for now, these are the ones that catch my eye the most.

Teen Drama!


The teen drama genre usually depicts coming-of-age stories about the teen protagonist going through a character arc finding themselves or going through a huge change (usually lifestyle, like moving or dealing with loss). It basically depicts challenges and turning points in a teen's life. I really enjoy teen dramas like Lady Bird I think they can offer a mature take on adolescence while also being fun and offering a realistic take on adolescence. Teen dramas can focus on serious sometimes niche topics like Teen pregnancies and underage drinking/substance abuse.

If I were to do a teen drama as my genre for my film opening or something similar I would definitely explore/introduce a conflict where the protagonist feels different maybe visually, but figuratively it being socially.



Mystery movies usually revolve around a conflict that involves solving a case or crime. The protagonists are usually the detectives or witnesses who hear about the crime or are involved in the crime in someway. These film's climax centers on the protagonist solving the mystery or crime and punishing the murderer in some way. Films like these sometimes leave clues and hints and use major foreshadowing of the events that will take place during the first few scenes/first act. Mystery films need to engage the audience to keep them to try and solve the mystery before the movie reveals it itself. These movies are quest-driven and reveal the plot/conflict as soon as possible.

My Last Thoughts...

These two genres definitely interest me and are both things I would be willing to explore and later pursue in my film openings. For now, I am gonna continue to watch and analyze different films from these genres and use this as an excuse to watch Lady Bird. Goodbye!

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