Friday, February 28, 2025

Foley! Oh M Gee!˙⋆✮

 Dear Readers,

Production has begun! I know you guys are excited, I know I am very excited, albeit a little nervous. Anyways let’s talk foley and sound effects. If you guys may recall from our first group meeting, my group mates recommended me to use foley sounds in the detective working scene. The sounds they told me to recreate ranged from camera shutters, case files being shuffled, paper moving around, etc. It’s time we use their suggestions and actually recreate these noises for our selves. 

All the Audio was recorded in my closet. To maximize soundproof quality! 

Camera Shutters!!!

In order to get the exact noise I wanted for the shutter of the camera. I used my camera and recorded the noise it made when it would take a picture. This process took a lot of trial and error, but I eventually got some audio clips that sounded like the sound I am trying to recreate! Digital Cameras are cool.

Case files being shuffled 

In order to create the case files rustling/shuffled, I used plastic folders and placed papers and took sound bits of me removing papers, opening the folder, adding paper, closing the folder, etc. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Last Planning Post. Production begins now....

 Dear Readers :),

We are getting into production, but before we get into it. Let's finalize production. Here's a quick recap of all the finalized planning we did. We are filming on Sunday (March 2) and I am getting the costumes of Saturday (March 1). We are using Sunday to film all the primary scenes with the detective, of course if we don't finish/ if we need to retake anything, we have next weekend to work on filming


Got everyone we need for casting! Had some scheduling issues with our first casting choice for the detective so we had to choose someone else. Thankfully my friend volunteered to help me out. Here is our Cast.

Detective Elias- Gabriel B. (Friend Outside class)

Assistant Jessie- Me!

Margaret Sinclair- My Partner Samia

News Reporter Lady- Sophia S. (Friend outside class)

Props and Equipment

We finally have a list of all the equipment and props we are going to use. We have access to everything and made sure me are able to get everything before the first day of shooting which is Sunday. Me and my partner divided who is responsible for what prop and what equipment to bring. Here's the list.

-Pictures (Samia)

-Files case (Maria)
-Colored lights (Daniella)
-Pink string (Maria)

-Fingerprint mats  (Maria)

-fake documents (Samia)

-pens writing utensils 

-Digital Detective Camera (Maria)
-Missing people posters (Samia)

-Costumes (Maria)

-Easel (Jenkins)

-Mic for reporter lady (Santiago)


Here’s what we will use for colored lighting in some of the shots. Works perfectly and creates a vibrant atmosphere.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Audio Time!!

 Dear Readers,

Hope you are having a great day. Let’s talk about audio! Obviously Audio is a major aspect of the film opening, it’s in the dialogue and background music. It’s time to discuss how we will be utilizing and planning our audios. 

Let’s first talk about background music. The background music in the film opening can make or break the mood and tone of the story. For my opening, me and my partner decided use background music when the detective is hard at work and when wee the title credits and the title itself. We wanna use  correct audio choice so it can perfectly be incorporated with the screen. One important thing to note is that the audio and the music must be NON-COPYRIGHT or royality free. While there is some amazing options in copyright music, the process of getting permission to use these songs might take weeks to get approval, it’s better to sick to something we have already have access for in the time being.

Here’s some options for music.

Now let’s talk dialogue and background noise. My main concern with background noise is obviously filtering the white noise out. If I can do that in the day of shooting, I will try to soundproof the garage. I researched some ways to soundproof a room for recording, most websites said to buy the soundproofing panels, but for more budget friendly ideas I can “ hang thick blankets over your walls, and cover the floor with large area rugs (or a bunch of little rugs put together).”For dialogue and non-diagetic sound, like voiceover. I will be recording using my phone or iPad, most likely in the most soundproof room in my house, my closest.

“How to Soundproof a Room for Voice Recording.” TechSmith Tutorials, 28 June 2018,

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Prop Time! Missing people posters

 Dear Readers,

This week, we are currently working on our mise-en-scene elements for our film openings. Since my opening revolves around the disappearance of girl and the mystery about it. I decided to make the missing posters that will be used in the scene with the detective in there office. In order to make missing posters, I made sure to research them to make them look atenthetic as possible. 

Some common traits I noticed while researching these posters:

  • Big Bold Letters and Font
  • The use of red (mainly to grab the attention of a person who notices the poster)
  • The inclusion of the missing person age, weight, and height
  • A small description of where they were last seem, plus what they were wearing
Here's  some posters that I used to guide me

(Breaking Bad)

What happens when you call the number on Stranger Things 5's Eleven missing  poster? -phone-number-call-message/

(Stranger Things promo for season 5)

Here's some behind the scenes of my poster making process. I used canva to create the poster, I used the Horizon Font to create these big bold letters.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Let’s talk Lighting!

 Dear Amazing Readers,

It’s me again, of course. I want to delve into one of the important elements of my opening today, lighting (not lightning like in nature). I believe most people aren’t truly aware how lighting can truly impact a piece of media. Lighting can create mood, tone, and setting. In one of the main scenes of my film opening, I will be relying on colorful neon lighting, let me explain with more context.

Movies and TV shows like Euphoria, I saw the TV glow, and Liza Frankstein use this colorful lighting. I always named it the “Euphoria lighting” since the HBO show “Euphoria” kinda popularized that type of lighting and made it more mainstream. In this TV show the lighting is heavily incorporated in the mise-en-scene elements of the film. The cinematographer of Euphoria and the production designer when speaking about the what the lighting story would be wanted to answer this question “How can we create a world that reveals the hopes and wishes of the characters that exist within it?”. In answering this question, we got these unique shots in the show.

A movie with similar lighting is “I saw the TV glow” also produced by A24. Unlike in Euphoria, I saw the TV glow uses lighting to distort reality within the TV world. 

For my film opening, I will be using this colorful lighting when I am showing the detective lost in thought, gathering and finding information on the case while working in their office. In order to create this lighting, I will buy some lighting LED equipment in order to achieve that colorful yet dark look. It’s important to note that this lighting is going to need a lot of experimentation, finding the right shades and hues that are cohesive with the story I am trying to tell and if they look just as good on camera. 

Urban, Sasha. “How “Euphoria’s” DP Used “Expressionistic” Theatrical Lighting for Lexi’s Play.” Variety, 8 Aug. 2022, Accessed 24 Feb. 2025.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Characters are developing...

 Dear Readers,

Its been a while, hope you guys are doing alright. Today we are developing the characters for my film opening! This opening mostly consists of the  detective and the assistant. I already have two people in mind to play the detective and I will most likely be playing the assistant, if its not me then it will be my partner. In order to develop the characters, I made boards for each of them, these give me the basic idea of there character and the fashion/costuming they will wear. Also the props I should get (I obviously won't get all of them, but gives me some options).

Detective Elias

Assistant Jessie

Important thing to note: I already have most of the props they will have in there office. I will plan to go thrifting to find something similar for both of there costuming soon, most likely this weekend. Some things are subject to change as we delve deeper and deeper into production! 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Script Time!

 Dear Readers,
It's time to reveal the draft of the first script of our film opening. My partner currently is in Italy for a family reunion so we haven't be able to both sit down together and work on the script. Instead we decided to make two script and next class period when she comes back, we discuss and decide which one better suits our plot idea. This is my interpretation of the plot through the script! The script will obviously change as we finalize the details this week and begin production

Mystery Film Opening: Interwoven

The scene opens up with different angles of supplies from what appears to be an investigative office. The room is mostly dark with neon lighting. We see shots of files and pictures all relating to the same case, one picture appears to be of the crime scene (which is weirdly blurry).

Our Detective figure appears to be using string to attach certain pictures/ words. The string is bright neon (not red) which pops with the lighting. One of the images uses fingerprints that also pop out from the lighting. While we see our detective working hard on the case, the screen splits and we see another scene taking place at the same time.

The other scene is of that of the detective assistant walking towards the office. There attire and look completely juxtaposes the detective. The lighting is different further showing opposites. They seem to be grabbing a file with important information and a missing poster of "Regina Sinclair"

The scene finally becomes one as the assistant enters the room and we see the bulletin  spell out "I N T E R W O V E N". 

Detective finally snaps from reality and the lighting appears normal. The assistant asks them a question.

Assistant (Jessie): The Sinclair case hasn't further a bit, huh. Shame.

Detective: (Looks at the board) Keep hitting the same dead ends. Something still hasn't add up

Assistant (Jessie): (Goes over to the tv and turns it on with the remote) It will come eventually, we only have a week here anyway.

The Tv turns on and we see an old recorded broadcast of the disappearance case. A news lady not shown on screen details a basic summary of the Sinclair case. Their are shots of the Sinclair family and their home.

Reporter Lady (not shown): Sinclair Case is still an ongoing investigation going on here in Millbrooks. Regina Sinclair disappearance has cause immense fear in the Sinclair family. Most notable known for there family business. June 13, 2002 was the last time we say of Regina, officials are still gathering more information soon.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Media Theory (Film Theory MatPat rejoice)

 Dear Readers,

Hope your having an amazing weekend. Before we beginning writing the script for the opening. Let’s talk media theories, every piece of media in some way shape or form has a connection to a media theory. For my film opening I am going to be focusing on Narrative Codes by Roland Barthes. These narrative codes can be found in different pieces of media. For my film opening I want to focus on two specifically.

Hemeneutic or Enigma Code.

The codes basically talks about when the narrative withholds important pieces of information to cause mystery. I obviously making a mystery film opening, need this code incorporated in my plot. With the disappearance of our victim. I need to have certain pieces of information withholded to create the mystery. Need to keep this code in mine when making the mystery!!!

Semantic Codes!

This code is when certain actions, objects, or people represent more than the literal thing. An example of this is in a movie like “The Substance” where when Elizabeth first comes across the mysterious substance and its origins, the connotation with that is that is is top secret tool to become “the best” version of yourself. I would use this to create connations of mystery with the props and many pieces and objects of crime scene/case. Obviously adding a mysterious element to some objects that are related to the disappearance 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Our Plot Summary!

 Dear Readers,
Now that I have decided the mystery genre and the elements that come with that. My partner and I also decided the plot of our opening. The main character is on a trip they are detective who is not necessarily from the town, but feels a sort of Deja vu and later finds out how they themselves personally are entangled in the drama. 

The crime the detective is solving is the disappearance of a young woman. Its alluded that it could of been a drug abuse story, but we later find out what her involvement with the alleged drugs are. I am still trying to figure out how we could personally involve the detective in the case without being an outsider to the situation. One of my ideas is to involve a character who is secretly working against the detective maybe a spy on the inside, to keep to girl disappearance hidden. Maybe like a witness or an assistant who was assigned to work with our lead detective. Another idea could be maybe having a case in her/his hometown or a town they have visited before, not for work related reasons though.

What I personally think it would be cool to kinda change the environment when the detective is lost in thought or working hard. I kinda want the lighting to shift and maybe the environment to change. I would want the lighting to lean more to neon colors, kinda like in "I saw the TV glow". One of the scenes in my opening could be the detective hard at work, lots of insert shots in their office with bright neon lighting and then some calls them and they snap back to their reality.

Inspired by Knives out, I think I want their to be a fake original explanation for the girls disappearance, like its believed that she died due to a drug overdose, as she seemed like was addicted to drugs. The actual explanation for her disappearance is her unfortunately getting involved with the room crowd. Still figuring out that part out though.

I want to incorporate possible themes in my story

Thursday, February 13, 2025

My first group meeting... things got real!

Dear Amazing Readers,

Hope your doing well, I am. I recently did my first group meeting for the film opening project. I got with other fellow classmates who are also working on their own film projects. Everyone brought their own cool interesting ideas regarding how what they are thinking about their projects. I got to work with a lot of classmates who are interested in sports genre  type movies which I thought was interesting. I am first going to discuss the feedback I got regarding my own project and the ideas I should consider.

For context, if you are reading this blog you know that I want to create a mystery film opening. My plot revolves on the disappearance of  a person and a detective finding clues and hints to what happen. I am hoping that later down in my plot, the detective slowly realizes that they are entangled in this disappearance as well. Showcasing my idea for my plot here's some of the feedback I got back

My Project Feedback/ Discussion
  • Incorporate a reason for the disappearance, in this case alleged drug abuse  could be a good reason for the disappearance
  • Pick a time-period that this mystery could take place with the resources I have. I decided late 90's to early 2000's. I need to research this so my mise-en-scene elements are accurate and look realistic.
  • Mise-en-scene props I could use, case files and missing people posters!
  • Use sound effects like camera shutters if I use a camera in opening.
  • Research the film opening for "Black Phone". A horror movie about who is kidnapped my a masked killer. The opening uses different props that could be used in a mystery setting.
My Classmates Projects!
In my group project, I ended up working with 4 different people. They all brought their own unique ideas to the conversation. Here's some highlights from our conversations.

Sameera Project
-Based on brothers baseball games
-Inspired sandlot, a sports comedy
-Two young boys come together to play a game of baseball to win

We recommended she used bright yellow/orange hue filter and worked on figuring out the two main characters relationship/character dynamics. I recommend watching movies like "School of Rock" or "Goonies".

Vanessa Project
-black phone and scream inspiration in film openings
-mise-en-scene elements to 90s
-Main character wears scrubs (college student male), Dental assistant or nurse practitioner. Hates his peers, once doctors approval

We recommended she used different shots like over the shoulder and four squares to depict four different scenes.

Arianna Project
-Sports drama
-Gymnastics something happens to her
-gymnastics falling and breaking her leg as a little girl

We recommended for her to flesh out her story more and to work on her characters.

Will Project

-Sports comedies 

-happy Gilmore inspired

-tournament or girl (his motive)

-he does sports (golf) to impress girls (plot)

-He(main character) not good at golf

We recommended for him to make the main character primary motive to be to impress a girl instead of a tournament due to the filming resources he has.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Mystery Credit Sequences...spooky

 Hello Dear Readers,
Hope you are doing well. Continuing my research on film opening I would like to discuss credit sequences in mystery films! I will be analyzing all factors that come into play when creating these sequences. All these films are either films in the mystery genre or films that have strong mystery elements in the plot/storyline! Lets go!!

(A Simple Favor, 2018)

A Simple Favor stars Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively and is about Stephanie who is a vlogger and Emily who has a successful career and rich lifestyle. Emily mysteriously disappears so Stephanie tries to find her and launches an investigation finding hidden secrets about Emily's life along the way. The opening uses the song "Ca' c'est arrange" and looks like a slideshow of different images and objects from the story. The images are shown and quickly go off-screen, it includes all the major names(people who worked on the project) needed in the opening. I personally like the different colors and how the song matches the fast pace of the slideshow. It sets the tone of the movie pretty well.
(Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleased)
Scooby Doo is a beloved mystery series that needs no introduction. The series in the early 2000's was rebooted into live-action movies. This is the sequel to the first live-action movie. Personally not a big fan of the movie, but I can appreciate the impact Scooby Doo has on the mystery genre. This credit sequence goes with the spooky theme of the film itself and is a sequence of a monster flying through the city, the sequence follows the monster which I think is pretty cool. The font also stands out from the night sky and continues the spooky theme of the movie. The opening sequence perfectly sets up the mood/ tone the movie wants the audience to feel.

(silence of the lambs)
Silence of the Lambs is about an FBI agent who has to work with a canniabal killer in order to catch a serial killer on the loose. The Opening title sequences uses big bold letters and dark ominous music. Setting the tone of the mystery that’s about to come.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

My Project Schedule!

 Hello dear readers!

Since we have already started working on the project and discussing and researching the potential genre for the film opening I have decided to create a schedule for the film opening. Here's my filming schedule all the way until the deadline of the project. 

Me and my Partner both collaborated on this schedule together! Thank you Samia!! Excited to start working on this project.

Week One (2/3-2/9) Brainstorming Period

-Work On Blog Posts

-Decide the Genre!!

-Have some story/plot ideas in mine (write down in notes)

-Research and watch mystery films from different types of subgenres

Week Two (2/10-2/16) Writing Period

-Work On Blog Posts

-Work on script and storyboard (VERY IMPORTANT)

-Discuss key mise-en-scene elements 

Week Three (2/17-2/23)

-Work On Blog Posts

-Finish up script and storyboard

-Work on mise-en-scene elements 

-Work on characters elements

-Focus on audio planning

-Dicuss and decide filming locations and actors

Week Four (2/24-3/2) Start filming by early March Filming Period 

-Work On Blog Posts

-Have a final shot list (IMPORTANT!)

- Start filming establishing shots

Week Five (3/3-3/9)

-Work On Blog Posts

-Film key scenes

-Record Foley and voiceovers 

-Start editing if possible!

Week Six (3/10-3/16) Editing Period!!

-Work On Blog Posts

-Finish filming by now! Reshoot anything if needed 

-Work on the first cut of the opening 

Week Seven (3/17-3/25) Last week of Work!

-Revise/re-edit the opening if needed

-Draft/Review and finish working on CCR

-Work On Blog Posts

I am excited to start the writing phase of the project soon! I will update you guys soon on how that goes! Bye :)

Friday, February 7, 2025

Mystery: The Genre

 Dear Readers,
Me and my partner have decided to do mystery as the genre for our film opening. Mystery films usually revolve around a problem or solution to a mystery which can either be a crime case, investigation, or a problem that is affecting the characters and their environment. Most horror films can have mystery elements like for example Nosfuratu is a movie with a lot of mystery elements and plot points.

Target audience of these films are usually for true-crime enthusiasts. Mystery films allow for the target audience to try and use logic and create a solution for the mystery and problem at hand with the limited information the story gives them. It's like one big visual puzzle for the viewer.

Common tropes in Mystery Films:

-Usually revolves or has a detective character

-Lots of files or crime bulletin board with possible subjects

-Usually revolves the death or disappearance of a character or multiple characters.

-Some characters do not believe in the mystery or think it's a hoax

-A chase scene (car or running)


Mystery films or films with mystery elements always or most of the time subvert expectations with the viewer. Plot twists are a common element in these stories. Executing plot twists can be difficult and create possible plot holes within the story. It's important that while I am planning my film opening to include me already knowing how the rest of the story and film would plan out. I need this in order to add bits of foreshadowing here and there in the opening.

Fun Fact: Edgar Allen Poe had an involvement in the creation of mystery through his literary works!

Mystery films also rely on music and non-diegetic sound to create the tone and mood of the scene. You can see this a lot in film openings like Knives Out and Clue. Music is very important and choosing the wrong music can break the tone and feeling of the scene all together.


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

What Genre are we choosing? It's a mystery... (literally)

 Hello dear readers,

It's time to chose my genre for my film opening. To be honest, I wasn't able to decide between both of them. I think they are both two good genres I am very interested in exploring, but all roads lead to a decision and in this case, I have mine. In order to compromise with both of my options and decided to do Mystery Drama! Mystery films have always interested me and I am willing to explore more regarding this genre. So what are some good mystery film openings...

One good mystery film that I enjoy is Knives Out (I am very excited for the spinoff that comes out this year). Knives out is a mystery crime movie which revolves around the Thrombey and the death of there grandfather. I honestly enjoyed this film way more then I expected (not my top four though, Letterboxd users know). One of the things I really enjoy about this film is the use of foreshadowing, this movie allows for viewers to quickly catch on onto the clues and hints of who the killer might be, but allows for the viewer to still be shocked about the outcome. 
(Knives Out Opening Scene)

One of the things that I enjoy about this film opening is how it quickly introduces the mystery of the story. The array of shots of different objects around the house also hints and slightly foreshadows some elements of the story and mystery that will be integral later in the movie like for example, the coffee mug with "My House, My Rules, My Coffee" which is used at the ending when Marta gains the Thrombey estate. Also, important thing to note is that the music is integral to setting up the mood/tone of the mystery.

                                                                  (Enola Holmes Film Opening)

Enola Holmes is also a good mystery film that revolves around the sister of Sherlock Holmes. While the film opening in this film doesn't immediately reveal the mystery of the story, it does set up crucial background information about Enola's character and her family. For example, the film opening reveals that Enola's mother likes word games and puzzles, which is a crucial detail and plot point we see later on in the mystery of the film and the disappearance of Enola mother.
(Clue Film Opening)
Clue is another mystery film with a film opening that creates the tone of the story. The music again is another key element which builds the tone of the film. It's also important to note that the opening uses an establishing shot of mansion which is the setting in which the mystery takes place. The butler is also introduced which gives the reader the impression that he is an important character to the upcoming mystery.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Mystery V.S. Teen Drama. Who will win?!

 Hello Readers!
Currently, I am researching genres that I could use in my film opening. Picking the genre is a good starting point since it's specific enough to allow me to start working yet broad enough to allow me to make future decisions. There are many genres to choose from, but I chose two genres that I would be interested in exploring for my film opening. I am always open to other options, but for now, these are the ones that catch my eye the most.

Teen Drama!


The teen drama genre usually depicts coming-of-age stories about the teen protagonist going through a character arc finding themselves or going through a huge change (usually lifestyle, like moving or dealing with loss). It basically depicts challenges and turning points in a teen's life. I really enjoy teen dramas like Lady Bird I think they can offer a mature take on adolescence while also being fun and offering a realistic take on adolescence. Teen dramas can focus on serious sometimes niche topics like Teen pregnancies and underage drinking/substance abuse.

If I were to do a teen drama as my genre for my film opening or something similar I would definitely explore/introduce a conflict where the protagonist feels different maybe visually, but figuratively it being socially.



Mystery movies usually revolve around a conflict that involves solving a case or crime. The protagonists are usually the detectives or witnesses who hear about the crime or are involved in the crime in someway. These film's climax centers on the protagonist solving the mystery or crime and punishing the murderer in some way. Films like these sometimes leave clues and hints and use major foreshadowing of the events that will take place during the first few scenes/first act. Mystery films need to engage the audience to keep them to try and solve the mystery before the movie reveals it itself. These movies are quest-driven and reveal the plot/conflict as soon as possible.

My Last Thoughts...

These two genres definitely interest me and are both things I would be willing to explore and later pursue in my film openings. For now, I am gonna continue to watch and analyze different films from these genres and use this as an excuse to watch Lady Bird. Goodbye!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

The beginning of the end... The Portfolio Project!!

 Hello Readers!!
After one big semester of learning everything from genres, and camera angles, and practicing the written part of the AICE Media Studies exam, we are finally ready to start the portfolio part of the exam. To sum up what the portfolio project entails we basically have to make a 2-minute film opening that is new fiction film. In class, we learned all the specific details and requirements that come with this project. Before learning about this project we had a lesson on film openings and all the factors that come into play when making an opening. Here's one of my favorite film openings. I think it executes all the factors that are needed to make a good film opening pretty well.

I want to approach my ideas and planning for the film project with an important consideration for each detail and each decision I will be making. I need inspiration to help create some ideas for what potential genres and direction I will be taking with my film opening. The best way for me to get inspiration is to watch movies from genres I enjoy and films that I enjoy in general and dissect their title sequences. For example, in the "Coraline" title sequence, I reason I enjoy it, is because the title sequence gives us insight into what will happen later on, which in this case is Coraline receiving that doll.
Throughout the next couple of days, I will be finding ways to brainstorm some ideas and possible genres for my film opening. See ya soon

What shall I do for my CCR?

 Dear Readers, It is all not sunshine and rainbows because I am creatively stuck between a rock and a hard place figuring out what to do wit...