Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sound Project!!

                                           In the past few days in class, I have been working on my sound project for AICE Media. A quick rundown of the project is that my partner and me have to make a 1 to 2 minute scene using only sound/audio. We brainstormed a couple different scenes, but we both ended on making  an airport scene. We both created and edited a outline of our project, figuring out how we were going to divide our scene. Additionally, we also listed off all the sound effects we would use. This part was helpful since we got to create a checklist of all the audios we would need (also I just like planning things in general.)                                                                                                 

                                          Making and editing the project on Adobe Premiere Pro was the longest part, we first needed to find the sound effects from a website, the website we ended up using the most was It had a great assortment of audios that helped build up our project. Then we had to create 4 different foley sounds, made using our own items/equipment. My partner used there suitcase to make a suitcase rolling sound, while I used my backpack to record and make the zipper opening and rummaging around the bag sounds. I also recorded a "typing" sound by tapping on the screen of my iPad. Editing the sounds was mostly figuring out which levels of volume each sound would be in depending on what we want the viewer to visualize. For example, if in the scene the protagonist was nearing the metal detectors we would slowly increase the sound of the metal detectors beeping and the machine humming. Premiere didn't crash on me this time! It was my computer... 

                                           Overall, I am glad with how the project turned out! I am not that experienced with editing audio, but I did pretty decent for my first time. Next time, I would definitely sprinkle in a few more sound effects to make the audio seem less stagnant in some parts, but I am definitely satisfied with the finishing result.

Here's a link to the project! AntonTorres_soundscape_per7 

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