Dear Readers,
It is all not sunshine and rainbows because I am creatively stuck between a rock and a hard place figuring out what to do with my CCR. I don’t know how I am going creatively answer the four questions. All my ideas seem so un creative or uninspired, so I need to figure out what to do ASAP.
In this quest, I decided to watch and consume media. Get some inspiration. At first I thought doing something hot ones inspired would be cool, but then I realized how many other classmates had the same idea in mine during the group meeting. Then I thought doing a cool randomizer q&a would be fun, but it felt too simple and boring. Then I watched a few clips from Vogue 73 questions, I thought doing something inspired by that would be interesting. Something were I was talking to the audience. Then lighting struck, maybe I should make it in mockumentary format. A short narrative of the people in my life talking about how I been involved in the project and shots from the behind the scenes and myself answering the questions. Okay this seems like a better idea. So now what do I do?
Well, I will be filming and writing a script of all my CCR questions soon through a fun mockumentary style format about making the opening. I will definitely need friends to help out, I was thinking of filming this at my house or somewhere public like a park, were it’s mostly quiet and interrupted.