Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Music Marketing Project Part II: The Production & Presentation!!

 Hello readers, it has been awhile. Like I previously said, these coming weeks I have been working on my Music Marketing Project. I was a long yet fun experience to be a part of. I honestly enjoy filming music videos and I could see myself doing it professionally at least once in the future. Anyways here is part two of the saga (or duology)


Our first filming day was December 10, we went to our nearby library to film some scenes from the storytelling portion of the music video. It was actually a really nice shooting location especially since not to many people were there and has a nice background. Second day of filming was the next day in school, wee filmed more shots with the girl lead, which was played by me. Again, super fun and we really nailed the shots! Next day of filming was December 19...after school, filming again, fun fact my new neighbors were moving in and their first impression of me was me filming running across the parking lot filming my friends car.... Last day of filming was December 14, we shot promo in different areas of Town Center. Overall super fun!!!

Editing (Premiere Pro will never be my friend):

I was in charge of editing the music video. I am a perfectionist when it comes to editing, cause editing can make or break a project, so I tried my best with all the knowledge I had. From the moment I started thinking about the editing process I knew that I wanted to use some fun transitions. So I searched up creative transitions online and found a set of paper torn ones that looked really nice.

(Here's an example)

I didn't really know how I was gonna apply these transitions to the project, I had to research how to use ultra key and how to change green screen colors in premiere pro to make the transitions work. It was worth it, the finishing result was pretty good.

Another part of editing that took time was adding the lyrics. I have a quick video here explaining that.

Presentation and Behind The Scenes:
While me and production team were working on the music video, the distribution and marketing team was hard at work creating the marketing for the Band. The behind the scenes video speaks more in depth about all aspects of our project. 

I am proud with the work we accomplished as a team creating the band "Disco Landing" and their debut song. If you are interested in seeing how the music video turned out, here's the link to watch!

Bloopers if you are interested:

Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing Part I: Research & Planning

Hello readers! Currently in class we have been working on our Music Marketing Projects. For some context, our music marketing project was split into two parts: the Research & the actual marketing and music video. In this blog, I will touch on the research part and what we have currently been planning with the music video and marketing.

Researching Pop!
The genre our group got for this project was Pop, which describes music that is in the mainstream and POPular. Pop songs are known for their catchy lyrics, danceable tempo, and fun rhythms. Our group decided to research 5 different pop artist that come from either Universal Music Group or Warner Music Group, both companies are record labels that the artists are signed on. 
For my part of the project, I got to research Melanie Martinez, a well known alternative popstar. While researching her and her contributions to the Pop Genre sphere, I paid attention to how she markets herself and her target audience. Important similarities I found with all five artist were; they all had personal websites, all are active on social media platforms like TikTok & Instagram, and all have a unique aesthetic/visual identity which they try to market themselves with and/or as.

Planning our Music Marketing Project!!
What we are currently working on right now is creating a marketing campaign for a new music group/artists. We need to build the artist brand and visual identity and a marketing campaign to introduce our musician to the public. Our Group decided to create a pop band called Disco Landing. Splitting up the work into two groups, the production team (making the music video and visual identity of the artist) and the marketing and distribution team (making the marketing campaign and music distribution for Disco Landing.)

Disco Landing is inspired by old retro 80-90 aesthetic vibes and aesthetic. A good example of the vibe we are trying to replicate is from this Indie-Pop artist, Remi Wolf. Amazing underrated pop artist (listen to "Liz" and the entire Juno album and you will understand the hype.)
We currently have a finished storyboard for the music video and are currently planning to shot the video this week! Here's some images of our storyboard. (Credit to Sofia for the amazing drawings)

I am in charge of editing the music video and starring in it also the main female lead (I am super excited!) For one of the scenes we are filming, we are going to use a fish eye lens to make a cool effect and to mimic a door peephole. We learned how to use and play around with the fish eye lens in school.
(The Team!!)

An important prop we are using in our music video is a old hotel phone that is covered in stickers to replicate the aesthetic we are trying to create with our artist.     

I am excited to share the rest of the behind the scenes of our project soon! Stay tuned for Part 2!! Bye!

What shall I do for my CCR?

 Dear Readers, It is all not sunshine and rainbows because I am creatively stuck between a rock and a hard place figuring out what to do wit...